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Medically Prescribed Diets Passes Senate

Moments after the Senate passed SB1229

Moments after the Senate passed SB1229

Although the House was out this week, we saw movement on some of our own bills.  Senate Bill 1229, sponsored by Senator Iris Martinez, passed the Senate unanimously this week.  This bill is the culmination of the work of the ICS, the Nutritionists, the Dietitians, and the Department of Professional Regulation to clarify some various points of ambiguity and oversights within the Dietetic and Nutrition Services Practice Act.  For our part, SB1229 solidifies our doctor’s ability to initiate and coordinate medically prescribed diets for our patients.  Without this bill, the Dietetic and Nutrition Act lists this as a practice reserved only for MD’s and DO’s.

Representative Michael Zalewski, chairman of the House Health Care Licenses Committee, has already agreed to carry our bill in the Second chamber. Since we have already worked for agreement in the early stages of this bill, and there is currently no known opposition, we expect successful passage of SB1229 within the next month.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. April 26, 2013 at 10:07 pm

    Excellent work, Mr. French!

    Jim Winterstein

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